The cooperation for development of local governments

A data platform to showcase the development-cooperation efforts of councils and other local governments in Spain


Hundreds of villages, towns and cities in Spain contribute to different cooperation projects in the world. The Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) commissioned us to develop a platform to visualize the data of the projects and the organizations involved.

Local councils and the FEMP have made great efforts in this field. But the public is not always aware of the work they do. For us, the priority is to contribute to make that effort visible.

Goals and challenges

Our client has a backend system for each project, where councils can upload the projects they are involved in and the budget they are spending. While it works for the internal management of the data, it is not suitable for the public to explore the data.

Build a clear and useful data platform feed with the data from hundreds of organizations. It should be easy to maintain and to update with new, yearly data.

Among the different visualizations the client wanted, we can highlight:

  • A map of the world with the projects and the budget spent in each country
  • A detailed view of the budget distributed according to the sustainable development goals
  • Evolution charts
  • A page for each institution with all the data available for that institution

Data from one city


In this project, we were in charge of the whole process of transforming the data into a web platform:

  • Consultancy
  • Data architecture modeling
  • Design
  • Development

This tool is a live project that is updated with new data every year. We continue to work with the client to improve the platform and to add new features with every new data update.

Table with destination countries and ODS


Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias
Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias
The Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) is a Spanish association of local entities that includes city councils, provincial councils and island councils, totaling 7,412 entities.


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